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Many different photography styles and categories 


Larry takes photographs in a variety of styles. There's interest in showing his work in galleries, art shows and for purchase so he needed a website to make it easy to see his work. That's when he asked for my help.

This is the latest update of Larry's site. Each time, we fine-tune it with new photos to keep it fresh. This time, we restructured the site a bit and added new images found during a deep dive into his massive photo library. There are so many great options to choose from, so was also an exercise in restraint. The updated design offers a clean look featuring his images and thoughts, and makes it easy for visitors to explore.

Recent additions include "A Long March: From the Memorial of Justice and Peace" an image Larry took at the new National Memorial for Justice and Peace in Montgomery Alabama. It is not "manipulated."  He won Honorable Mention for it in a program sponsored by the International Photography Association. I added an "Eye for Color" section where, in addition to the existing Yellow, we also added a Red. There are plans to add more color sections too. Blue anyone?


Larry uses his website to easily share the breath of his creative, sensitive and fun photography. Nice work, Larry. He tells me he gets complements about his website all the time. His fine photos make that an enjoyable task.

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